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ART - Email


I am Mrs, Carey, your child's art teacher. This year your child will be part of an exciting visual arts education program.  Students at Callaway will explore the great art, artists and cultures of the world. Develop skills to understand and appreciate artwork. Participate in hands-on-art activities; develop critical thinking skills by studying their own and others’ artwork.

One of the most exciting aspects of art education for students is creating their own artwork. More and more the arts are playing a vital role in education and learning. Unlike many other subject areas, the arts introduce students to ways of thinking that are based upon imagination and judgment. The arts encourage students to think and learn in a variety of ways, in addition to using language and logic skills.

This year your child will begin to see the world through an artist’s eyes and develop critical thinking skills that will last for a lifetime. 

As a family, you can help your child appreciate and experience visual arts in many ways. You can visit a museum, share family mementos and create your own artwork together.

You are welcome to come by a see what your child is doing in the art program and share in his/her learning experience.

MUSIC - Email

Hello, my name is Eric M. Moultrie!

I have been teaching music for over 25 years. 14 of those as a High School band director in Connecticut, Georgia, and South Carolina.   I earned my Bachelor of Science in Music Education from Hampton University from Virginia. Aside from teaching music, my passion includes fishing and working as a professional saxophone player for over 30 years. Teaching music here at Callaway Elementary School has been a great joy for me over the past 7 years. I look forward to educating our students so they can make a mark that can't be erased.

P.E. - Email

   Coach Price


I am a fully certified health and physical education teacher in the state of Georgia.  I am a proud graduate of the University of Georgia.  Go Dawgs!  This is my 22nd year of teaching in Clayton County, Georgia and my 19th year at Callaway.  My #1 priority is promoting the health and well-being of students through physical activity.   You can contact me via Email 

STEM - Email