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Attendance Matters

Hello Families,
School attendance for our students at Callaway Elementary School plays a significant part in our students’ learning.  If our students are ABSENT, TARDY, OR RELEASED EARLY, they cannot learn.  Callaway Elementary School is offering various incentives to promote perfect attendance with our students.

 Classes with the Most Perfect Attendance Monthly for Each Grade Level

-Traveling Perfect Attendance Trophy

-Classroom Party

-Class Picture on Perfect Attendance Wall

-Special Recognition on Morning Announcements

 Students with Perfect Attendance Monthly

-Homework Passes

-Free Computer Time

-Perfect Attendance Pencil

 Students with Perfect Attendance Every 9 Weeks

-No Uniform Pass

-Sit at the Teacher’s Desk for a Day

-Spend an Hour with a Favorite Educator

-Special Awards

 Students with Perfect Attendance for the Semester (December and May)

-Special Recognition and Awards at Award Ceremony

-Raffle Drawing for a Family Meal at Chick-fil-A

-Raffle for a Bicycle

-Free Chick-fil-A Meal

 Students with Perfect Attendance for the Year


Parents, please view the following video to check out how much attendance really matters!
Attendance Matters